Board of Directors

These are just some of the team of volunteers that make SDIS so much fun!

Community With Vision

The Board

We are striving to get a member from each user group to represent you at the board level.

That way you will all have input regarding what decisions are made.

Please advise us who your representative will be.


Brett Bradstock

250 515 1170

eagle owl, bird, animal
vice president

ralph lutes

250 675 5485

duck, mandarin duck, bird

Elenor bradstock

250 572 2215

cat, portrait, tabby

lonnie wuori

250 517 8766

wapiti, head, animal

Margo Friesen

250 675 0065

swan, lake, river

Helen Skulmoski

250 675 2126

fox, animal, snow

Barry watson

girl, fashion, sea
Director - website design

Diane Little

250 253 7363

Many hands make light work – we need a few more “hands”.

Board members are individuals called on to act in an advisory capacity, sharing their expertise and management experience with our society. Board members typically help direct the course of our organization’s strategic planning and offer advice and counsel. The next several years promise to be exciting ones for the Sorrento Drop In Society. We will continue to have a positive impact on the community we serve.  Our Board of Directors will play a central role in this important work. You need not have experience just an open mind and willing heart.  As you consider this opportunity, we ask you review the board director position available.